Learning culture in software engineering teams: Training & E-learning (3/7) This post is part of a series of 7 blog posts on the topic How to create a learning culture
Learning culture in software engineering teams: Technology watch & Coaching (2/7) This post is part of a series of 7 blog posts on the topic How to create a learning culture
GitHub Pull Request: 10 tips to know GitHub Pull Requests are useful to manage the workflow of your development with Git. Git offers a native branch management
30 knowledge base tools for developers in 2022 Software engineers need knowledge base tools to create and maintain valuable technical documentation. The State of Octoverse 2021 report by
Define your coding standards for Java Coding standards for Java are essential if you work on a Java project in your company, and you’re not working
Simple API HealthCheck with Node, Express, and MongoDB Our application Packmind is a standard Web application with a ReactJS frontend and a Node/Express/Mongoose/MongoDB stack for our API. We
Insights from the State of Inner Source 2021 The InnerSource Commons is the world’s largest community of InnerSource pracftitioners. Founded in 2015, its goal is to create and
Knowledge silos are still a pain, Stack Overflow 2022 Survey says The Stack Overflow 2022 Developers Survey has been released a few days ago. It brings fresh insights and valuable data
4 VSCode extensions to share technical knowledge with your team Good technical documentation appeared for the first time in the DORA report in 2021, as it’s observed foundational for successfully
InnerSource, understand the benefits in 5 minutes InnerSource is an approach inspired by OpenSource, but applied to the scope of a company only. Many of these companies